Eufycam 2 Pro Motion Detection Activity Zones need custom-shape, Freehand, multi-point option, not Rectangles

So frustrating still two years on from my original batch of EufyCam 2C Pros to the new EufyCam 2 Pro Add-on 2K’s that still don’t have a Freehand, multi-point (non-rectangle) Activity Zones.

Eufy really to look at Adobe Photoshop for how a selection polygon should act and feel from its “Paths” tool, which allows you to draw a custom shape for the area you need, and not these stupidly fixed Rectangles.


I would love something similar to what Blink cameras have. They allow for a screenshot of your area and break it down then into squares you can make active/inactive. You can even really narrow it down by micro-boxes. Drawing constant rectangles trying to get the activity zone right & the view refreshing with my doorbell has gotten annoying.

There has to be a quicker/easier way to make activity zone updates or changes more precise and accurate then drawing boxes with our fingers.


True, weird that doorbell this and cameras don’t.