On the Eufycam 2C, I have to say how frustrated I am by the three coloured squares/rectangles of the so-called “Activity Zones”.
Taking inspiration from Photoshop “Paths” or masking tools in any design/motion graphics package, they have freehand Path tools to allow a custom shape / multiple points to be drawn within a specific area.
Could be done one of two ways:
Start with current square /rectangle and double-tap anywhere else along the line to create new points that could be clicked & held and moved around within the activity zone.
Start with one point, then draw multiple points (with a rubber band line coming from the previous point drawn) around the activity zone to create the custom shape.
Either could be very intuitive.
What’s infuriating is that Eufy’s own packaging graphic design implies that’s EXACTLY what it is with the custom shape… scanned from the EufyCam 2C outer box…