Eufycam P24 is not playing video in the app? (see photo)
Only the live view is working but the time line play not? Only this option is not working for playing video.
Are there more with the same problem?
Look like your sd card did not record?
Is it set on continuous?
if it is events only you wonzt have any recording.
if ipyou set it on continuous but no recording, then check your sd card.
My Eufy c24 came with a broken sd card tray. I got holes/gaps in continuous recirding. After I took it apart and resolder the tray. so far no issue.
use high endurance sd card.
if your p24 still under warranty, sent in feedback through app and get a replacement.
Well, I see different problem after app update.
whike playing an event from playback. player jumped to 12am.
it is definitely Eufy app failing.
It must be an app issue. All okay I have 2 cams and the problem is by both 2 cams at the same time after an update!
It is recording but this option is now only working with continuous recording. Before it was working also by not continuing recording.
May be eufy is trying to copy wyze forcing user to premium cloud?