Floodlight Cam 2k not registering ANY humans since 10/6/23 update to v.

Since the 10/6/23 update to firmware version on my Floodlight 2k camera, it completely lost its ability to differitiate humans from regular motion. I still get clips being recorded when humans enter the area, but it does not alert me that a human has been detected, and the name of the clip just shows up as “Motion” instead of “Human” like it did in the past.

I tried rolling back the app software to a May 2023 version, no change. So I believe the Firmware update I mentioned is the reason for this loss of functionality. Please fix it ASAP, these cameras are worthless if they can’t tell the difference between a human on my porch and a tree limb blowing in the wind.

You need to send the issue through feedback in Eufy App.

I think Eufy needs to improve detection success rate.