Floodlight cam E340 light does not switch off

Hi, my E340 floodlight cam lights suddenly do not swich off anymore.
Even trying to disable the floodlight or manually switch on and then off does not work, they allways stay on.
I have tried setting the videosettings to black-and-white like mentioned in other posts, but that does not make a difference.
Any ideas how to solve this?

cheers, Bas


Try to perform a factory reset.

Already tried… Factory reset and re-connected to my home base, but still stays on.

Is the firmware update ?

Just double checking, you said you killed power to the flood light correct?

These are a few things I would try to see if it corrects the issue.

If you go to Live View, can control the floodlight lights to turn on and off?

Have a look in your Security Settings Modes…
Home Away
And uncheck…(Not sure how it’s worded)… if motion is detected turn on lights.

Do you have the floodlight set on a schedule?
If you do, then just delete it to see if flood lights will turn off.

Yes, the firmware is up-to-date

Hi @jd164,

I have to kill the power to switch the lights (and the camera) off indeed. So it is no use now unfortunately :frowning:

  • the lights do not react to switching on and off in the app
  • there is no checkbox for lights in the security settings (there is one for light alarm, it is un-checked)
  • there is no schedule
    I really do not understand why the lights are always one. I am about to give up

That sucks…
So even when you go to Live View and you tap on the light icon to on and off it has no effect, the lights just remain on?

Does this floodlight have a Dusk to Dawn feature?

Do you think water may have gotten into it and shorted out an internal light circuit?

What about warranty, do you still have coverage…

switching the icon has no effect indeed. Hope it is not a water issue. I will take it off the wall and dismantle to check if there is any leakage…

Took it off and opened the housing. No visible problems inside…
Tried disconnecting the lights and found out that the camera still works when the lights are disconnected, so now I have a floodlight camera without floodlight :joy:

Well, that’s good to know that it still works…
Maybe you can pick up a solar powered spotlight/floodlight with motion detection at the big A and you can put it near the camera.