Has anyone had

Has anyone had issues connecting a new doorbell to the home base2 . I have a good internet connection, so no issues there. The base is searching for the bell, the bell makes a sound like it’s trying to connect, but then the base says the it was unable to connect. I’ve reset the base, and also removed my original bell , to see if the new 1 would then connect. Nothing changed, so I reconnected my original bell, which connected first time with no issues.
kind regards, Graham


Hi, is your doorbell far away from your Homebase? It requires within 1 meter.

Hi, whilst trying to connect it, I sit It a couple of inches away . Im thinking there may just be an issue with this new bell. My existing bell connects right away, and its identical to the new 1. I will have a look on YouTube today to see if anyone else has had this issue, then I’ll post any findings here.

Thanks for reaching out :+1:t2:
