HELP PLEASE. How do I get my cameras to record longer than 20 seconds? Google isn’t helping me. THANKYOU :heart:


settings, then tap power manage, u will find it :rofl:

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Each camera has their own settings for this. I believe you want to select the “Optimal Surveillance” option for longer recording as well.

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On the app choose Devices, go to your camera and then into the settings menu, Then choose power management. There, you can change your recording time to optimal performance(30 seconds), optimal surveillance(60 seconds), or customized(up to 120 seconds). Those are the options on the battery doorbell camera that I have, yours may be different, not sure…I think the hardwired camera can record 24/7. If you choose customized recording you can change the length of recording and time between alerts.

Go into Power manager settings and in there you can change the video record length.

Power Management, sorry com from Germany :grinning: