Hi all. I've n

Hi all.
I’ve noticed this around the edge of my solar panel. It looks like trouble and I’m concerned about it in the long term. Anyone else see something like this?

Thanks very much.


Is it cracked and broken? Or is it just the protective film starting to peel off?

Yes, had the same problem. After a short time after noticing this the panel stopped charging the battery. I purchased an aftermarket solar panel from eBay for $25 and it now works fine. The original solar panel is not well made.

It looks like it’s delaminating between the layered films. Basically from water intrusion.
If it’s still under warranty I would put a claim for a replacement panel.

Yes. It’s less than a year old.

still Uber warranty?

same happened to all 3 of ours after about 6 months​:angry: these are not cheap cameras, these panels should be able to withstand all weather considering they are “Solar” panels :woman_facepalming:

Did you contact Eufy?

Not yet. But, based on responses here, that’s my next move. I wondered if they might see this and get in touch. :thinking:

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