hi Can someone

hi Can someone help me with settings of my camera I have set up a activity zone much lower then my driveway but still reciving lots of false alarm of random pedestrian who not interrupted with my zone. Eufy support only ask me to disconnect with a tower and add device without tower. but that not help :confused: also I setup the sensitive of motion on low same thing… why is not working for me ? eufy only sugest to wait for firmware upgrade and 15% discont. not to happy about that


What’s the point if having a security cameranif you don’t want it to detect anything…
I understand you just want a small portion, but can’t see why… that’s the whole purpose of owning a security camera…

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Mine does the same. Just want alarm and recordings to activate in my activity zone and not beyond as much traffic. Still records and alarm blares! Sensitivity is down also. ???

If it picks up beyond the zone, determine by how much and reduce your zone accordingly. Give that a shot and see if it works. For some reason sensitivity seems to effect how far it picks up too, so keep that in mind when you make some adjustments. I’ve been working with the idea of 30% reduction on my set zones. You may have to Play with sensitivities and zone reduction to get it to your preference. Hope this helps. :grinning:

See my response to this post. Hope it helps. I’ve been tweeking my cams for five years. I have the originals. Good luck.

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Play around with settings, that’s what I done. Go into the settings where you can set home, away or custom, and you can also set the sensitivity low, I’ll go check mine know, and come back with more info

The other thing might be, if someone else has a motion sensor that might be unintentionally triggering your camera? Do you have AI set to all other? If you do have it set to all other, try manually checking the AI motion sensors trigger’s like human detection, vehicle detection etc Instead of all other. See if that works for you. Good luck.

Also shadows and reflections will be detected if they fall in the activity zone

Uncheck all other … see if that helps if you haven’t tried it already. :grinning:

:grinning: :grinning:

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