Home base 2 is connected with 6 cameras

Hi. My home base is connected with 6 cameras of the house having 800sqm area. Have some issues in getting WiFi signals to the camera which are far from home base 2.

What is the best solution to feed in wireless signals to all cameras.

Can I use another home base and to add to the network which could be synced with existing home base and all 6 cameras?

Any repeater option?

Kindly suggest the best solution to my issue.

The repeater between the HomeBase & camera’s it’s not doable.
Only options is to either move your HomeBase in a central location for all cameras or try to move some cameras closer to the HB2.
A second HB2 can work, but not the way you mentioned… They don’t link to each other.
You could just use the other HomeBase2 for those two cameras out of range.

the first thing to try is move the cameras that are having trouble connecting slightly one way and then the other. i was having trouble with one camera disconnecting constantly. i moved the camera 1 foot from the original position and no more disconnects. also try one of the 5 other cameras in that location and see if you can find one that stays connected. eufy cameras vary greatly in this regard. and finally if none of those options work, you might look into a mesh network with nodes that have ethernet inputs. that would allow you to plug another homebase 2 into the node and greatly increase the range. understand however that adding a second homebase is like having 2 separate security systems within the same app. the homebases don’t communicate with each other. with that type of system you could extend the range greatly.