How to automatically disable alerts when I am home?

In my schedule I have “Home” during daylight hours and “Away” during night.
The problem is that during the “Home” hours I still get tons of notification when I move in and out of camera detection. How do I automatically stop those notification (I don’t want to be turning things on and off manually).

I figured out how to do this:

  1. In the App goto “Security” at the bottom of the screen
  2. Create a schedule. In my case 7am to 8pm I’m “Home”, rest of time I’m “Away”
  3. Change “Home” by clicking the cog and disable Notification

you could also try geofencing. you would need to create a security mode like “home no notifications” then have geofencing go to that mode when you are home. the problem is that eufy geofencing has been somewhat broken for more then a year so it would be hit or miss as to how effective it would be.