I came home today and 3 of my cameras were offline? But the homebase they connected to has several cameras connected to it. Half working the other half offline? Anyone else had this problem?
Are they solo cams…? Mine went off line when the batteries got low…
I had the same problem. Took cameras down and charged to 100%. Then unplugged base station and plugged it back in. Cameras came back online.
What is this for?
Charging… it’s a temporary rig to get through winter… you can hook it to an adapter light plug socket and just charge by turning on the lights for a while…
Or just plug it in and unplug it once it gets charged… the batteries don’t charge as well in the winter… that’s why I startedngetting creative… buts that’s probably why a few of his cams went off line… and they basically go simultaneously…
You would plug it in just like a phone on the other in you can run the charge cord to plug in the camera… the either net cable is worthy enough to carry a 12V charge to really the power were ever it may be needed the use the adapters to hook up the phone cord/charge cord and plug…
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