I have been getting notifications for motion outside of the set activity zone. I noticed when I open the activity zone, the camera moves up on its own and seems as though it’s facing further down than I set it before it moves.
Is this normal? The camera is a few weeks old. Eufy suggests resetting camera before sending a new one, but my backyard cam does the same thing.
I don’t think so. My backyard one does the same thing and it’s looking straight down at grass. They only do this when I open live view or the activity zones.
Is the cam installed too closed to the roof or eaves? Mine acts up occasionally and I think it could be the reflective light from the wall/roof/eaves that can confuse the camera. I don’t have a lot of option to remount but I did notice if I tilt my camera a lil and it helps. So I stopped using activity zoning for that cam
I’m not sure if this is causing the issue, but it’s worth throwing it out there just in case.
Could the camera possibly be moving slightly due to high winds? If so, I could imagine that possibly triggering the motion detection slightly enough to send you a notification, yet not enough movement to begin recording.
The only other option that I can think of right now is possibly a reflection of light directly hitting the sensor on the camera. This could be caused by the sun’s reflection or even a reflection from a nearby street light or vehicle headlights passing by.
Yes, mine is detecting motion outside of its zone BUT, it’s because the camera is moving when viewing live view (this is an S340, the camera can be moved remotely) causing it to shift the activity zones.
I have the same problem with 2 s340s. I swapped the cameras around, set the activity zones up separately on both, and still got notifications outside those zones. It’s been looked into by the engineers.