Installing Eufy 2k Wired Doorbell to Existing Doorbell UK

Hi All,

First time posting here, I have just moved into my new house, and I purchased a 2k wired doorbell to replace the standard doorbell that was fitted.

I have been reading through multiple websites and came across this form, and looking for some help on how to go about this.

My previous rented house I used a battery ring doorbell, which I hated having to rely on charging, as there was no doorbell fitted.

I read on the Eufy side that you need 24v doorbell to work, but from what I can see I have a 8v 1.0a transformer built in to the current chime. It would be great if I could get some help on how to wire, can I just connect the two wires currently outside, do I need to bridge anything etc

I just want to hard wire this doorbell so that whilst I am away with work then I can have reliable security alongside the 2k pro cameras I have also bought.

Thank you all for your help


Hi David,

It’s a shame nobody replies on these forums.

I’m in the same boat, just bought the Eufy E340 and have a similar Transformer Wiring to yourself, did you ever get this working? I’d really appreciate some help.



Here’s a pic of my Transformer:

Hi Kevin,

sorry for late reply been away with work.

Yes I have managed to get it fully working wired now after a little bit of trial and error and researching.

I ended up replacing the standard bell housing with a bell transformer (linked below for uk)

I installed it and found it kept having issues but I found a response deep online from a sparky that suggested that these were over supplying volts in the 24v slot, so I dropped it down to the 12v slot and its been working flawlessly ever since.

I hope this helps your issues, and I agree, never a reply when you need it is there…

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Hi David,

Thank you for the reply and apologies for the slow response, I’ve been away on holiday.

I managed to get it working with my existing doorbell as suggested on this thread:

Thanks for your help regardless.