Live Streaming

I figure the answer to this is probably no, but I’ll ask it anyway. I have four cameras. 3 4G LTE cameras and a S30 Pro. They are all wired for power with timers on the plugs.
Occasionally I have the need to view a live stream for a period of time. It’s annoying to have to click continue when the reminder comes up every 3 minutes reminding me that continuing would be a drain on the battery. I suspect there’s no way to turn off the reminder so the answer to that question is probably no. I sure wish there were.
Is there a place where suggestions for app improvements can be made? I’m coming off being a long time user of Nest Aware cams so still adjusting.
I currently have an HB3 with a TB of storage so have plenty of space for the times I may need to stream without app interruptions and know how to offload to backups. Thanks.


Hi, both the 4G LTE camera and S3 Pro camera are battery-powered, not wired. This reminder is to inform users that long-term live view usage will drain the battery (not storage). This helps to ensure the battery lasts as long as possible. Sorry, we don’t have the “Reminder Remove” option available at the moment.

Thanks for the reply. I have the three 4G LTE cameras connected wired with a plug timer that charges the cameras for 2 hours once a week. The rest of the time they are not powered. The S30 Pro camera is designed now to be wired full time for 24/7 recording.

I mistakenly referred to it as the S30 Pro where it’s actually the S3 Pro. I see others have done the same.

Hi, one more question: since your battery-powered camera has plug timers with wires, why don’t you install wired cameras so you don’t have to worry about the power at all? This way, it can meet your 24/7 recording requirement.

The two 4G LTE Cameras were gifted to me and since I already had usb-c lines with 5v 2amp power run for Nest Aware cams through raceways when my home was constructed it was best to utilize what I already had. So far, I’m pleased with the 4G LTE cams.