So…. This is so un-scientific…. I have found that detection needs to be “flat”across the trigger device…. And in the lower half of the devices “view” (my cams anyways”)
The PIR wants what it wants…. Your view isn’t it. Change it and test it.
Your angle is also very sharp
CamA. Drop to 6ft and angle right 25 degrees
Cam b. Turn left 30 degrees
That cam view. Notice: feet from initial contact is within 15 ft. Crossing directly left to right on the lower half of the cams view. This thing never misses detection going up my drive. Always misses them in the other direction. ( as planned ) Took a long time testing to get this cam to detect the way I wanted. Hope this helps some.
Thanks for all these great tips regarding camera angles and the possibly of adjusting it so that it’s not angled so sharply downwards.
In the past it has caught me walking up along the side and the back areas. That being said it does miss ‘larger motions’ such as the screenshots above with the service agent reading gas meters.
It was able to catch the motion of a magpie further back / close to where the service agent had walked.
I feel like the angle is okay (maybe not the best) but I will try make a few adjustments as soon as the weather is better and I can get to the camera in its location a bit easier.
Camera Patio - B will pick up what
Camera Patio - A doesn’t for the time being.