My Eufy Homebase 2 crashed

Last night (in the middle of the night) my Eufy Homebase2 crashes, couldn’t connect to the network, but the network was ok.
I had to reset the Homebase2 and install my Eufy Cam and Doorbel again… problem solved but I hope that this won’t happen again…

It would appear that it was an isolated incident so this shouldn’t happen again. If however it does you can contact Eufy Support.

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An isolated problem that happens to most of the users on a daily basis?

Strange way of picking words I would say…

Happened to myself and guest users also.

It’s in the middle of the night and it’s happened again…”Welcome to Eufy security, follow the instruction etc, etc… I’m so not happy right now :frowning:
A soft reset isn’t possible and have to reconnect the camera and doorbell again…

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This is the exact problem I am currently having. My system crashed last night in the middle of the night and not it will not connect. The whole system is less than 5 days old
I am very bummed out with this system, I thought it was better than this