I have previously responded to relevant threads with similar issue and all advice didn’t work for me. What worked for me was removing Ccleaner app which was interfering with eufy, I couldn’t be bothered to look into the app to see what settings to change as it was quicker to remove the app as it was not used. Check your mobile phone for any apps like Ccleaner or Anti Virus/Malware cleaners which may have access to system settings.
From Android 9 no more than 24 notifications per app. Clear notification drawer in homescreen.
No more than 24?
I saw Eufy has sime new camera I like.
This 24 limit changed my mind with Eufy eco system.
I am getting the same problem. My guest gets (audio) notifications but I as Administrator get none? The Eufy support line seems to go to a lady in China who is quietly spoken and has difficulty hearing me, so the advice is quite a strain to get sufficiently. Also I never get replies to my emails to Eufy Support.
This is the answer. For the benefit of others with Android phones go to:
Apps and Notifications>EufySecurity>Advanced>Battery>Don’t Optimise.
It’s the overzealous battery management in Android that appears to have been blocking my Push Notifications
Android turns off stuff after a while.
I had alerts… My friend didn’t.
Long press the app icon.
App info
And turn off. 'remove permissions if app isn’t used"
Check notification for
Are on.
I selected only when in use for camera and microphone.
I leave the battery power managements (different menu) to auto and the alerts still work always… OnePlus 9 Android
If you’re still within your warranty period, return the device for a new one. I’m on my third doorbell cam. The first one had this issue.
I am in the same boat. Recently got a new phone, TCL 30 V 5G. Nearly all apps (200) work fine, with the exception of two biggies:
- Eufy Security
- Android Auto
For Eufy, same as all here. No notifications for 3 cams and doorbell, UNLESS, I have the app open. And even then I could have a delay of a few minutes before a notification.
For AA, after being connected to car for a couple minutes, I lose voice commands.
Are the two related? Who knows. I have chatted with eufy tech service to no avail. I have tried two other older versions of the app, but nothing works.
previous phone was a Moto G Power on android 10 and everything worked fine.
I will admit that this new phone, with android 11 has a ton of settings and I am still trying to get through them all. Currently, I have all apps set to full notifications, with a bunch not optimizing battery life (eufy included). I have installed and reinstalled this app countless times.
I’m concerned about the comment above about the Eufy app not working with Malware cleaner software. I was very reluctant to install any devices made in China but couldn’t find any alternatives so took a punt. Now I’m wondering if I was right to be cautious about what has been introduced into my personal IT systems. Is there a good explanation of why Eufy won’t work alongside anti virus and malware products?
Re: No Notifications…
One possible issue is the notification buffer is full - which will definitely cause no more notifications to be generated. These buffers often are quite small (around 25 notifications).
Try using the app ‘Notification Remover’ - it is simple to use - you just put in a unique notification word/phrase and set a time (if you want) and it will then remove all the Eufy notifications.
You will need to setup several different word/phrase captures in Notification Remover to remove them all - just keep checking what remains and find the key words that will remove them.
I have clean buffer still no notificaton sound.
Go to the home page where all your devices are and on the bottom (iPhone app) click on security. Here you’ll see you home base, click that and it will show you what mode your in. Click the disarm mode and allow to sit in this mode for 20-30 seconds. Close the app. Reopen the app and put it back in the correct working mode of your choice. It’s fixed the notification issue for me in the past.
I might look into this. Not a fan of adding more apps to fix other apps, but the issues I am experiencing are making me start looking at other security cam companies:
-No notifications unless the app is open
-Notifications can take up to 10 minutes to appear after the action occurred.