After reading and viewing between 20 and 40 reviews on home outdoor cameras, I have determined that the Eufy S40 Solocam is the best overall product out there on the market. When comparing features and benefits, the clear winner is this outdoor cam !
I just took advantage of the Prime Day deal on Amazon and purchased this camera and can’t wait to set it up and try it out ! It will fit the bill for my backyard application and provide a peace of mind for my back door entrance.
I will update the forum with photo’s and overall thoughts after it is received and installed.
How long have you worked for Eufy now?
I have the cam. It is always at 100 percent. It also has a few cool graphs to help show charge or battery usage.
You will like it.
I was kidding by the way. LOL I have the eufy 2k indoor cam, or whatever they are calling it nowadays. I also just purchased the new Dual Cam Video doorbell wired. I loved both of them. The doorbell has had 0 fasle alerts, and 0 missed human motions. Wow! I know this is true because I have a Hikvision Colorvu color night vision camera next to it. It’s Ai does not miss people or vehicles. Eufy’s dual wired Ai is almost as good, or as good. My only gripe is with my doorbell is it takes too long to load on Amazon Echo Show 8s. It sometimes takes 1 minute, and sometimes it never loads. Other times it will load really fast like in a couple of seconds. My indoor cam was like that when I first purchased it. It is now fast and pretty reliable in loading. I like eufy products, I just wish they would get involved with their customer base. They need to hire someone to just do the forums for example. Or at least get someone to do it for some type of compensation. Maybe send them products to use/figure out so they can answer questions, help troubleshoot, etc.
I plan on buying their latest smart door lock/fingerprint scanner here next week. I am sure I will love it as much as my dual doorbell wired.
I currently have the 2k Video Doorbell (battery operated) and I’ve always had the same issue with the Eufy Skill on my Echo Show 10 screen in my kitchen! The Eufy Skill is super slow for some reason and sometimes it never comes on. This truly does defeat the purpose in some cases where you try to integrate your smart devices to make life easier. I wish this issue would get resolved. Maybe sometime in the near future Eufy will get to the root of this problem. I’m trying to think positive.
I am not sure Eufy can do much about this though. They like all other 3rd party camera companies rely on the API that is given to them by Amazon. I have several different makers of third-party cams and none of them load with the Echo Shows well. They are either slow, do not load, or I get “is not responding, please check its network connection, blah, blah, blah”. I can tell the echo to load it again before it’s finished its error message and they will load without a problem. You know what cams do not have these issues? Ring… interesting. I am not the usual conspiracy nut, but I get the impression Amazon is doing things to make sure their competitors do not work reliably. That’s just my hunch from working with security cameras and Amazon integration for the last several years. Amazon may not be sabotaging the integration on purpose. I know they are not working on making it better, that is on purpose IMHO. They can push off poor integration on the third-party manufacturers while raking in the cash from Ring and Blink sales. I am most likely showing my age here, but Amazon seems to be taking their playbook from the 1990s Microsoft. Remember MS breaking Netscape browser on purpose in Windows 95/98/NT/etc? I am off to put my ten foil hat on.
You might have a valid point about Amazon delaying other brands being uploaded into their software. That’s pretty shameful if you ask me since it’s literally one of the most casuals companies in the world. They shouldn’t need to do this.
There is possible good news though! Soon enough the Matter software will hopefully allow smooth and simple integration between all (or most) brands and allow all devices to collaborate together! Some brands may fight this path to try and keep their customers entirely on their ecosystem, however I think those companies that don’t play well with others will eventually fail and get pushed out of business. The big players that adapt to this integration mindset will succeed and competition will be fierce between them! Just my thoughts…