Anyone else hav

Anyone else have the random notifies for nothing? I get this SAME video every 5 minutes. Unfortunately, I cannot post a screenshot of my activity zone for this camera with the video :man_facepalming:.

#redundant #needtoaddmorepics #topicdoesntfit #annoyedwiththispost


It’s the blue red light reflecting on the left. Probably Christmas lights. You could set an activity zone to avoid it

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Can you confirm if you have drawn an activity zone to avoid the reflection of the lights on the left?


I have moved the camera. However, as mentioned in the post, I was not able to add a second photo to include the activity zone.

#eufysecurity please update the ability to add multiple pictures/videos to a post.

May reduce the sensitivity

Yes, sometimes. Maybe try reducing the sensitivity or changing your zone (if only temporarily). Also, setting a longer “rest” (retrigger) time between events helps with some false triggers, but maybe not this one. Try max battery life (not max surveilance) if you have that option under battery

You can add a picture in a comment see the 2nd top icon between the face and the @

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