Did anyone’s camera do this while recording? If so, does anyone know why it happened or how to prevent it from happening again?
No. My guess is snow or something on the lens. Was it a one off or does it happen often?
I have experienced this effect before when downloading a recorded video. But it was probably due to a poor internet connection.
That’s weird. I’ve had patterns appear depending on the position of the sun, but nothing like that.
I’ve had a screen go gray when watching live figured it was internet issue. I just closed app and reopened and it was fine. Only happened 2 times in a year. If it continues call Eufy customer service if it’s under warranty they may replace it
I have one time
It’s only happened when I download a video before it’s finished playing. It’s not consistent though. If it happens, then I wait until the video finishes playing and then download it and it’s fine.
I’ve had a similar problem. I think it has to do with network issues–either speed or connection. I’ve moved my cameras closer, but I don’t think that’s what solved it. I changed from 4k to 1080 and haven’t had the issue again. Aggravating, though, because I bought specifically for 4k.
Could it be because of the extreme low temp?
i have only faced an issue like this when downloading the event recordings through the archive option and reviewing them through a local media player on my mac. its hit and miss.
no extreme temperature here, or anything abnormal that would cause such a thing from my end.
When viewing through the app / HB3, they appear to be fine. but i cannot confirm as i have not been able to match the downloaded clips with the ones still on HB3 yet.
Nope never
It was the same with me.
That doesn’t look great
Memory card issues for my floodlights that use microSD, when temperature went below freezing. I switched to SanDisk High Endurance… So far so good 2 winters later. The manual doesn’t say why it happens, I later checked the specs of my Lexar and another brand memory card I use (both didn’t work at low temps)
Yes, this keeps happening frequently. I thought it was the same thing, with the internet, but it is it. I will try a different quality. Any other tips will be helpful thank you everywhere