Cameras not working

Hi all. Both of my cameras stopped streaming or filming after the 03/21 update. The home base inside is still lighting up blue. What could be wrong with the cameras? They were not out of batteries when they stopped working.

I would try to un pair and restart camera first and homebase.

If still an issue contact Eufy… They will ask you to potentially do that before contacting Eufy security.

Same thing here. After last update cameras don’t record.

the first thing i would do is reboot your home network, router and modem (leave them unplugged for at least 1 minute) with the homebase unplugged. if that doesn’t fix the problem then you can try mr lester’s suggestion. if that doesn’t work its blow it up time, unpair the cameras and do a factory reset of the homebase and re setup the system from scratch. if none of these suggestions work it’s time to call eufy.

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Calling Eufy support is a waste of time because they will not be able to help you and Yes I am speaking from experience.