Hello, I would like to connect the E340 to my existing bell wires. Now I noticed that there are three wires coming to my old doorbell button. The red and black ones should come from the bell transformer. The white one seems to be heading towards the gong. I would like to continue using the gong. The E340 only has two connections. What would the wiring look like? Thank you!
Hello, I’m not too familiar with that setup you have there, it looks custom.
On the doorbell gong the red wire on top is it connected to a screw terminal on the gong?
As far as the push button doorbell, not sure on its operation with the three wires.
The red and black wires could be supplying the power supply, perhaps to illuminate the Bell and then when you push the button it makes an internal connection and white wire send current to activate the gong. Not sure…
Can you post a photo of your bell transformer?
Hello JD,
thanks for your answer.
The red and yellow cable on the bell are not connected. Only the black and white are connected.
There is a red wire and two black wires coming from the bell transformer. I think a black wire goes to the chime and a black wire goes to the bell button. The red one only goes to the bell button. The white one connects the bell button with the gong. I think the black cable to the bell button is only for the LED light on the bell button. But what if I simply leave out the black cable on the doorbell button for the Eufy and only connect the red and white cables to the Eufy? Does the Eufy then receive constant power for charging via the red cable and when I press the bell button my existing gong rings?
Hi, Florian
It’s difficult to say which wires to use. Looking at the power transformer the black and red appear to be the power supply, connecting them to the back of the the new doorbell would appear to bypass the doorbell chime gong.
If you leave out the black wire and use only the red and white I’m assuming that the doorbell will not operate from what I’m viewing, it would not be a complete circuit.
If you have access to a digital multimeter you could probe the three wires on the push button doorbell to see which wires have voltage.
Let’s see if some other forum members reply.