E340 Wired Video Doorbell is not charing

Hi everyone,

I have installed the Eufy E340 Video doorbell, hard wired to a transformer that also powers the security alarm. The transformer outputs DC20 V 1.5A.
The problem I am having is the doorbell does not charge the battery once it drops to around 80%. I have been charging the battery using the USB cable which is too inconvenient. I have raised a ticket with Eufy, who passed me onto their Australian support, who have not even responded with a resolution for the problem. Would appreciate any advice from members that have had the same problem. Thanks in advance.


The back of the doorbell has power specs on it, can you post a photo of it here?

I’m going to say it may be an issue that the transformer is powering two different devices.

If you haven’t done so yet let it drop below 80%, let it drop to like 50 to even 20% to see if it will begin to charge again.

Hi ! electrician here I tend to agree with JD164 probably a power issue. I know they says the door bell camera has a voltage range. with out me looking up probably 8-20 volts but most residential alarm systems are feed with a 24 volt transformer so that could be the issue maybe overcharging protection. My DB camera uses the original 16 volt from the house chime and it also rings the house unit. I have never had any issues and it definitely charges. Good luck with the replacement Eufy is good with that I had a problem with a camera and they had Amazon send a new camera and it came the next day.

Helpful info–thanks for the answers.

Bitte beachten Sie, daß die zugeführte Spannung eine Wechselspannung (AC) sein muß, da diese Spannung innen auf einen Gleichrichter geschaltet wird.

@tvdoell said you should be supplying the doorbell with AC alternating current, not direct current DC that you mentioned on your first post…