Hello, over the last several days my floodlight cam has become nearly useless. It fails to show recorded events does not update and cannot be reliably connected to. Notifications appear to be fine though.
I noted that on Jan 20th firmware was installed. Is there any reported issues with this firmware? I have tried several restarts without any change in performance. His is the main security camera for my property and I need it to be reliable and responsive. My eufy 2c cameras are working fine.
I am having the same issue with my floodlight cam after this firmware update. It will often get stuck on decrypting local storage or preparing to play and eventually time out. This happens on both live view and recordings.
I have been experiencing the exact same issues as described for both of my floodlight cameras. My doorbell continues to perform as expected. But the floodlight now is very unreliable. Is there a way to rollback this firmware update?
I have phone them but again I didn’t get very far when speaking to someone , you can contact from your app.
Go onto settings and go to share your thoughts. And you get there phone number as well .
So if everyone contact them it might get resolved
I even installed the app and reinstalled it, still same issue.
Camera still totally useless no point having it
Was Working fine, until this software update. Now totally useless security camera.
So if everyone contact them it might get resolved.
My 1080 floodlight cams are very slow to connect also called yesterday to report took about 20 minutes to complete process including wait to get representative very professional will send me an email when solution is found. Please take the time to report problems may help.
Same issues here - get motion notifications fine but streaming the camera feed takes 3 or 4 attempts and having the events load and be able to view either doesn’t work or is so delayed it’s useless. All these issues are within the last 2 weeks or so and appear related to firmware Where’s the fix?!?
Nearly a month and no fix?!? Seems to be isolated to floodlight cam and firmware… where’s the update to get us back to having a working camera?
I been constantly in contact with Eufy .
They have said it is a software issues.
And again I keep asking how long it going to take to fix this software issues.
And to be honest they can’t give a definite decision.
Said to them the camera is useless as a security camera since the software update.
And if not sorted told them I will removed the camera and replace it with a different brand.
I had email today from eufy saying it will take upto 1, 2 weeks to sort these problems out, you think they test these updates before the release them .
If not resovled in two weeks i will purchase a different brand of camera
This looks to be resolved by a newer firmware version: Try to update firmware if you haven’t by going to settings > general > about device > check for firmware update.