our house is se

our house is set very far back off the road and though sparse, the trees we have block the view of our mailbox, front gate and driveway. we have power at the gate, but no internet. the internet at the house, even, is abysmal. has anyone experienced this situation? what is the best solution to be able to monitor the gate area, even if not live? I wonder if I could see clearly enough with the dual cam series located at the house pointed toward the driveway? and if the zoom would be strong enough to see any detail? any thoughts or anyone else who has solved a similar problem?

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Perhaps this might work for you, though I don’t have a visual view of your front yard.
You could possibly Mount this on a tree halfway between your front door and front gate / mailbox and still be able to pick up your home’s Wi-Fi. It also has tracking feature so when it detects motion the camera will pan to follow it.

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Thanks for the tip. I’m going to try this, but I am wondering if best alone or with a homebase. I’m not sure whether homebases extend the range at all or if they are primarily storage and AI.

Thanks again!