I’m not in the least bit clued up on technical know how and was wondering how I then view what is stored on the Hard drive. Do i view it through my mac air?
Also I know I can get eufy cloud storage but am I right in thinking the basic subscription would only store from 1 camera?
What kind of hard drive can I use to expand the storage of HomeBase 3?
Any 5V 2.5" storage drive (HDD or SSD) with a SATA interface.
Note: 12V storage drives are not supported.
To watch what’s on the hard drive you would just view it normally through the Eufy App.
Don’t know about the cloud storage, I don’t use it.
Working well. So well that I’m considering upgrading my storage. I never really foresaw wanting to backtrack long term but it’s so cheap and works so nicely that now I’m thinking I should just get bigger SSDs so I can look back months if want to.