I had recently purchased the Eufy wireless S330 with homebase and coneected 11 cameras to it. I had opted to get cloud storage until i was able to get a WD Blue HDD drive for the homebase. When i finally did i had to restart my homebase and restart the indoor Eufy Cameras to detect i had a hard drive to run them continuously. However no matter what i do the S330 will not detect the hard drive i had purchased and keeps saying i have cloud storage when i had canceled it. Is there anyway to fix this i really want the 4k settings on record and run them 24/7 but to no avail. I factory reset them, i removed them then added them and nothing. What gives. Need help.
It sounds as though you’re trying to expand the Homebase’ storage using the WD Drive attached to the USB input - this does not work: Input one is for charging the cameras although it should also be available for archiving purposes - however, this doesn’t seem to be working on the current firmware ;(.
You can expand the Homebase storage using an internal 2,5" disk up to a max. of 16 TB (although I haven’t found a drive this big yet). I’m using a 1 TB extension drive on a 9 camera system with lots of traffic for both internal and external cameras (event triggered, not 24/7), and only now after about 15 months is the Homebase storage approaching 90% full.
Hope this helps,
Were you able to sort it out?
Double check your Storage Settings for the camera and HomeBase.