Video Storage Location on Phone

I have a Samsung phone I use to run my Eufy app. When I record a video and stop, I see a message the video was saved to phone.

I then go to look for it but cannot find it. Where would this saved on my phone?

Check your gallery

It’s under EufyVideoDir folder. I have a Galaxy S8 on the latest Eufy version and I’m able to download and record clips without issues

Thanks to all respondents so far.

I have checked the gallery. Only this there is something I have downloaded.

Hopefully Eufy will fix this.

The EufyVideoDir has a video I downloaded, but not the ones I have recorded using the record feature.

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Same here, since last update I am also unable to record and see saved video although it still says “saved to device” previously it just worked now it does not.
This certainly needs addressing.

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