Indoor Cameras saying that they are switched off but work on partners app.

My app has recently updated and ever since it is saying that all my indoor cameras (6) are switched off. I click the toggle to turn them back on individually however as soon as I click off that screen they switch off again. I am not able to view the live feed however I am able to view the recordings.
My partner is the administrator for our home and he has access to everything. He is able to view the live view and his cameras state that they are all switched on.
I have tried to reset the cameras and turn the home base on and off but again nothing is working.

I don’s know how to get the cameras working.


I’m having the same issue. my outdoor cam E220 both are turn off. but my wife phone could still see them. only on my phone eufy app is not showing. i got other cam indoor and they are fine. I toggle to turn on, but once i leave the screen it turn off again. anyone have any idea whats going on?

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I’m having the same issue! Just started happening this morning.

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Got the same issue on my indoor camera

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Same here, 3 indoor cameras show off. Won’t allow me to turn on even though I am the administrator.

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Sounds like it is an issue after an update. I am hoping that it will right itself once another update happens


Ohhh Eufy what have you done this is what happens when you touch something that was working fine :rofl:


Hola…me pasa exactamente lo mismo me dicen que estan apagadas las outdorcam He restablecido de fabrica todo pero sigo igual
El soporte tecnico consulte y no se entera de nada…Me dicen que si mi equipo esta mal que gestione la garantia…

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Otro usuario con el mismo problema…Pero que han hecho los de Eufy… Por favor intenten resolverlo cuanto antes… tengo 12 camaras de las cuales 8 me dice que estan apagadas… Todas son Outdoor CAM E220
Las camaras S330 van perfectas pero las Outdoor CAM E220 me dice que estan apagadas…

Hola a todos… Llevo 2 dias con un problema como el que estais exponiendo en el foro… Me aparecen las camaras desconectadas . En mi caso las camaras 220 son las que aparecen apagadas . las E330 van correctamente…
Segun veo puede ser algun fallo de eufy
Se sabe algo nuevo?

Same here. All pan&tilt cams show offline on the main page in the app. Events are still recording though. Restarted complete network, homebase etc. Didn’t help.

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Also, before the last update several eufy cam 2 pro started recording events a lot better than before. Not anymore after last update.

spoke with eufy support team. they have no idea what is going on. ask to provide more info via email. this is just too much. they mess up the firmware update period.

  1. The serial number (SN:ABCD1234) on the device.
  2. Your current shipping address.
  3. A video showing the issue.
  4. Upload App log via eufySecurity app by selecting the three-lined menu icon located at the top left corner of the app > settings>About > Upload Log and authorize the device logs via Device logs>select devices and Authorize
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I had this yesterday but solved it be reconnecting each camera to my homebase 3. I had to move each one to one meter/yard away and go through the connecting circle. All 3 work normally now

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Hola ogr10. SI es cierto si reseteas de fabrica y vuelves a vincular todo funcionan las camaras. PERO OJO…En el momento que en la aplicacion le das a CONEXION A LA HOMEBASE si esa camara la vinculas al homebase , entonces vuelve a pasar lo mismo …se desactiva y hay que volver a resetear y volver a emparejar… A mi ahora como solucion provisional las tengo sin conectar el homebase…las OUTDOOR CAM tengo añadidas a la app eufy de forma autonoma y las S300 Si las tengo unidas a la Homebase… Lo dicho si borras y vuelves a vincular pero no la unes a Homebase de momento mientras lo solucionan funcionan las camaras.

The update appears to only effect Android phones. My mom’s iPhone can see my cameras just fine. My phone says cameras turned off. Unable to view live, however, they are still recording events.

Same here,only have problem with android phone. I did downgrade app to old version.
Then every working perfectly… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How do you download the old version of the app? I am using a iPhone I’ve never seen a way to go backwards I’ am just curious how

Hola como descargo la version anterior para android de eufy?
Podrias inducar como ? Gracias